
Because Your Curiosity Deserves a Deep Tissue Answer

Greetings, massage enthusiasts and curious minds alike! Welcome back to the second installment of “Knead to Know,” your go-to source for all things massage therapy. In this volume, we’re delving even deeper into the world of knots, kneading, and relaxation. So, sit back, relax, and let’s unravel the intricacies of massage therapy, one question at a time.

Are you located in Central New York and interested in an incredible massage? We invite you to book a treatment with one of our talented Massage Therapists in our Downtown Syracuse or North Syracuse location today.


1. Why do I feel sore after a massage?

Ah, the sweet paradox of post-massage soreness! Don’t fret; it’s not your therapist’s secret revenge for that extra elbow request. Soreness can stem from the release of tension in tight muscles, increased blood circulation, or the manipulation of trigger points. Hydrate, rest, and embrace the post-massage glow – your muscles will thank you later.


2. Can massage therapy help with anxiety and depression?

Absolutely! Massage therapy isn’t just a treatment for the body; it’s a restful day for the mind. The magic touch of a skilled therapist can reduce cortisol levels, increase serotonin and dopamine production, and create an overall sense of well-being. Think of it as a mental vacation – no passport required.


3. Can I get a massage in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, it’s generally safe to get a massage during the first trimester of pregnancy, but it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling a session for smooth sailing. Some therapists specialize in prenatal massage and are trained to adapt their techniques to ensure the safety and comfort of the expectant parent. Communication is key – inform your therapist about your pregnancy, any discomfort or concerns, and we can adjust the session accordingly. 


4. Are there specific massage techniques for chronic pain?

Absolutely! Massage therapy isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Therapists often employ techniques like myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and deep tissue massage to address chronic pain conditions. Communication is key – be open about your pain levels, and your therapist can tailor the session to provide the most relief.


Massage stretching to improve flexibility in North Syracuse and Downtown Syracuse, NY | Hand in Health Massage Therapy


5. Can massage therapy assist with improving flexibility?

Flexibility friends, rejoice! Massage therapy can indeed contribute to enhanced flexibility by targeting tight muscles and promoting better joint mobility. Therapists often incorporate stretches and techniques that focus on increasing your range of motion, leaving you feeling as limber as a yoga master.


6. What’s the difference between Swedish and Deep Tissue massage?

Think of Swedish massage as the gentle whisper and deep tissue as the bold declaration. Swedish is all about relaxation, using long, flowing strokes, while deep tissue gets down to business, targeting the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Both have their merits – it just depends on the type of TLC your body craves.


7. Can massage therapy help with sports injuries?

Absolutely! Athletes, rejoice – massage therapy isn’t just for spa days. It can aid in injury prevention, enhance flexibility, and speed up the recovery process. Sports massage focuses on specific muscle groups, targeting areas prone to stress and strain. And who doesn’t like to be stretched out after your muscles are nice and loosened up? It’s like a personalized cheering section for your muscles.


8. What if I’m not having a good experience while I’m on the table?

Oh no, the last thing we want is for your massage experience to be anything less than fantastic! Don’t hesitate to speak up and let your therapist know what you prefer. More or less pressure, faster or slower strokes, it’s your massage and we want it to be great! You can request focus on a specific area(s) and communicate if it’s feeling better or needs more work. If, despite adjustments, you’re still not having a good experience, it’s okay to stop the session. Professional therapists understand that individual preferences vary and can help match you up with a more appropriate therapist for another treatment. 


9. Is it normal to fall asleep during a massage?

Absolutely! Consider it the ultimate compliment to your therapist’s skills. The relaxation induced by massage often lulls clients into a state of blissful slumber. It’s not only normal but encouraged. After all, there’s no better nap than the one accompanied by the soothing sounds of a massage room.


10. Can massage therapy help with migraines and headaches?

Yes, indeed! Say goodbye to the vice grip around your head. Massage therapy can alleviate tension in the neck and shoulders, reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines and headaches. Your therapist might focus on trigger points and gentle stretches to release the built-up tension – a holistic remedy for those pesky head-pounders.


Cupping in North Syracuse and Downtown Syracuse, NY | Hand in Health Massage Therapy


11. What’s the deal with cupping therapy?

Enter the realm of the unconventional – cupping therapy! This ancient technique involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. It’s like a reverse massage, drawing tension and stagnant blood to the surface. While it may leave you with some temporary marks resembling a rendezvous with an octopus, many swear by its therapeutic benefits.


12. How can massage therapy complement other forms of healthcare?

Massage therapy isn’t a solo act – it’s a fantastic supporting cast member in your healthcare journey. It can complement other treatments by promoting relaxation, reducing pain, and enhancing overall well-being. However, it’s crucial to keep your healthcare team in the loop. Communication is key, ensuring everyone is on the same page for your optimal health.


13. What’s the science behind the “feel-good” hormones released during a massage?

Prepare for a mini biology lesson! Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. Serotonin and dopamine also make cameo appearances, enhancing your mood and promoting an overall sense of well-being. It’s like a symphony of happiness orchestrated by the skilled hands of your therapist.


14. Are there any contraindications for massage therapy?

While massage is generally safe for most people, there are certain conditions where caution is advised. If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, infectious skin conditions, or recently had surgery, it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before scheduling a massage. Safety first – your well-being is our top priority.


15. Can massage therapy improve my posture?

Absolutely! The hunchback look is so last season. Massage therapy can target muscles that contribute to poor posture, helping to realign and balance your body. Combine regular massage with conscious efforts to improve ergonomics, and you’ll be standing tall with confidence in no time.


Is your next massage on the calendar? 

There you have it – another round of “Knead to Know” to satisfy your massage therapy curiosities. Whether you’re a seasoned massage-goer or a first-time kneader, the world of massage therapy is rich with techniques, benefits, and a touch of the unexpected. Remember, the path to relaxation is paved with questions, and we’re here to unravel the answers – one blissful massage at a time. Until next time, stay curious, stay kneaded, and keep the massage vibes flowing!

There’s no better place to book that massage than at Hand In Health. Serving the Central New York region, we offer convenient appointment times 7 days a week at our Downtown Syracuse and North Syracuse locations. We also offer monthly memberships and packages to help make it more affordable for regular self-care. Book that appointment today!



Kyle specializes in chronic and acute pain care management and regularly works in an integrative team with your medical professionals. His massage is primarily focused on assisting with injury rehabilitation, athletic performance, joint mobilization and strength training. He enjoys using both massage and fitness to help people attain their wellness goals by designing a customized bodywork and exercise program tailored to each person’s needs.