Therapeutic Massage
A customized massage based on your individual needs consisting of relaxing Swedish massage strokes, firm pressure in targeted areas, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, orthopedic massage techniques, and stretching. This service can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and address any areas of dysfunction.
Deep Tissue Massage
The use of slow, deep, and intense massage strokes across the grain of the muscle to heal physical injuries, chronic tension, and emotional stresses within the body. Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the superficial tissues.
Sports Massage
This style of massage is designed to improve athletic performance, prevent injuries, or assist with rehabilitation. Treatments incorporate a wide variety of massage modalities and may include various forms of stretching, including active isolated stretching, muscle energy techniques, pin and stretch, etc. This type of massage is particularly beneficial for those with active lifestyles.
Pregnancy (Pre-Natal) Massage
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting patient’s. Research shows prenatal massage therapy can help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health. Specially designed pillows, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to make the expecting patient as comfortable as possible.
Medical Massage
Medical massage incorporates many techniques to address muscle and skeletal issues diagnosed by a doctor. Medical massage therapy is a highly effective treatment for many orthopedic problems such as sciatica, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc. Massage manipulates blood and lymph flow, muscle tissues, and chemical release of hormones/endorphins to treat pain of all types, especially for injuries and musculoskeletal/neuroskeletal issues. May require a physician’s authorization.
Couples Massage
A couple’s massage is a shared experience – a massage for two people, at the same time, in the same private room, but on two separate massage tables and performed by two massage therapists. The massage therapists will start at the same time and coordinate the treatment for the couple. It’s a massage experience for two that has real benefits, for physical, mental, and relationship health.
Lymphatic Cupping for the Head, Neck and Shoulders
This 30 minute manual lymphatic drainage session focuses on gently clearing the sinuses and upper respiratory system. Manual strokes and facial cups are used to move stagnant lymph for better breathing, decreased sinus pressure and swelling, and boosting the immune system. This session is ideal for those dealing with long-haul Covid symptoms, sinus congestion, headaches, and swelling around the face and/or neck.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (North Syracuse Only)
Manual Lymph Drainage is a light manual body treatment that helps direct lymph fluid towards the lymph nodes. The lymphatic system is a key part of our immune system that helps clear metabolic waste from our body. MLD treatment encourages our lymphatic system to work more optimally. It is a deeply relaxing and soothing treatment with benefits like reducing pain and swelling, better sleep, and improved digestive functions. MLD is beneficial to most people, especially those who live with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, edema (including from pregnancy) and Lyme disease.
Myoskeletal Alignment
Myoskeletal alignment is based on the reflexogenic relationship of muscles, ligaments and joints. For the effective relief of common pain conditions that primarily affect the neck and back, MAT aims to achieve goals that include balancing the head on the neck, balancing the neck on the shoulders, balancing the shoulder girdle on the rib cage, balancing the pelvis on the rib cage and restoring pain-free movement. MAT works to systematically release deep spinal muscles, ligaments and fibrotic joint capsules that torsion and compress spinal joints. Please be sure to wear comfortable loose fitting gym-like apparel. This treatment is performed clothed.
Maya Abdominal Massage (North Syracuse Only)
Maya abdominal massage is a gentle external massage that helps guide organs back into their correct positions, therefore allowing them to function more normally. These ancient techniques are best known for helping misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women. In addition, they also address many common digestive disorders. By effectively alleviating tissue congestion and organ constriction, these techniques improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen. It can release emotional and energetic tension which could be causing unnecessary stress on your body. This type of massage assists in preventing the progression of chronic diseases whilst improving the body’s ability to self-repair and re-balance.
Body Treatments (North Syracuse Only)
Enjoy a 60- or 90-minute massage with a hand, foot, and/or back scrub. These body treatments are excellent for exfoliating to remove dead skin cells, reducing calluses, improve circulation, and relieve muscle tension. Choose between an unscented, lavender or seasonal variety scrub.
Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points to help correct energy flows throughout your body. This technique uses finger pressure applied to reflexes of feet and hands with the goal of restoring the body to balance and treating specific conditions including, neck/shoulder/low back pain, digestion problems, sciatica, thyroid & adrenal issues, etc.
Hot Stone Massage
A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. Based on ancient healing traditions, smooth heated stones are used to massage away muscle tension allowing for a deeper massage and more profound relaxation. It is particularly beneficial in relieving tight muscles, pain and soreness.
Chair Massage
A chair massage focuses on the areas of your back, shoulders, neck, arms, and hands with the most tension. You are massaged over your clothes without any use of massage oil. When getting a chair massage, you sit in a special chair that has a downward angled cradle for your face to rest on and supports for resting your arms.